Subject: Who da fuck can beat a God at the Game?
Apparently this evening, there was a debate involving a bunch of wet noodles who want to be the Democratic nomination to try and run against a God, President Donald J. Trump.
I, your angry pelican of a reporter, decided to miss the debates, as I've already decided who I will be voting for in 2020.
But apparently, there are some people who do give a shit, mostly angry Canadians hoping to destroy our sweet life in these here United States of a America, or the good ole USA and misfits.
Lots of misfits and snowflakes.
But I digress.
I was inspired to write this blog by a piece that showed up on my about these Democratic candidates.
Apparently there are 40,827,198 of them wishing to become one.
A big fat loser.
So I decided to sweep through the list and rummage through the trash and give you, my five readers, the low down on the low down.
Tonight 10 of these people went on CNN and wet themselves.
I'll assume.
I don't watch CNN.
That's for commies and hippies.
I'm a red blooded American, I watch the monster truck rally!!!
And drink beer.
And not that cheap Canadian shit either!!
American beer.
Made by Germans.
Or South Africans.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Bring back American Brewers!!!
Damn foreigners buying our beer companies.
Here's the 10 ----
1. Michael Bennet - Michael Bennet is some kind of business man or an alien from the planet Dufus. Either way, he's a commie. There, we said it. Since 2009 he's been a senator from Colorado.
Only commies and liquored up police officers come from Colorado and I don't see any blue lights!
He believes we should rely on the people voting in the prez and not some electoral college.
Damn commies!!
Also believes in raising the minimum wage up to 12 dollars an hour.
COMMIE!! With a capital C!!
Website -
2. Joe Biden Joe, oh Joe, you molesting pig farmer and once VP of the United States of America.
Joe believes in killing everybody just for the pure enjoyment of killing people!!
Don't believe me, Google! I know, right?
Joe believes pig farts causes global warming.
He also believes in a $15 an hour minimum wage.
Damn commie!!!
Website -
3. Cory Booker Cory Booker wants to eat your children and dunk you in hot sauce and serve you to the illegals crossing our borders every day to rape, murder, sodomize and defile our public accountants.
That's all I have to say about that.
Website -
4. Steve Bullock Steve Bullock only has one good thing about him, he from Montana, my home state. He murdered a whole family of ducks just to watch them die.
Who could even think about voting for such a man?
Red blooded Americans, that's who, too bad, he's a Commie.
Can't vote for a commie!!!
Website -
5.Pete Buttigieg GAY!!! Just read his name!!!
Don't need a gay President!!!
Website -
Okay, that's enough of that.
If'n ya wanna read the rest, you can go here ---
Rest of the candidates from the list....
Without my great informant commentary!!!
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